II. PURPOSE : to know the content of nutrients in some foods
II. TUJUAN : untuk mengetahui kandungan zat makanan pada beberapa jenis makanan
Carbohydrate or saccharide is a large class of organic compounds composed only of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The simplest form of carbohydrate molecule composed of a simple sugar molecule. Many carbohydrate which is a polymer composed of sugar molecules are strung into long chains and branches. Carbohydrates also serves to maintain acid-base balance in the body. In addition, carbohydrate is also important structural components in living things in the form of fiber (fiber), such as cellulose, pectin, and lignin.
Sugar (Glucose)
Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body, which provides 4 calories (17 kilojoules) per gram of food energy. Solving carbohydrates (eg starch) yields mono-and disaccharides, particularly glucose. Through glycolysis, glucose is immediately involved in the production of ATP, the cell's energy carriers.
Protein molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur and phosphorus. Proteins play an important role in the structure and function of all living cells and virus. Protein involved in the immune system (immune) as antibody.
Fat is a dense source of calories. Fat same with oil. People call fat specifically for vegetable oils or animal solid form at room temperature. 1 gram of fat produces 9.3 calories. fat consists of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Sugar (Glucose)
Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body, which provides 4 calories (17 kilojoules) per gram of food energy. Solving carbohydrates (eg starch) yields mono-and disaccharides, particularly glucose. Through glycolysis, glucose is immediately involved in the production of ATP, the cell's energy carriers.
Protein molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur and phosphorus. Proteins play an important role in the structure and function of all living cells and virus. Protein involved in the immune system (immune) as antibody.
Fat is a dense source of calories. Fat same with oil. People call fat specifically for vegetable oils or animal solid form at room temperature. 1 gram of fat produces 9.3 calories. fat consists of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Karbohidrat atau sakarida adalah segolongan besar senyawa organik yang tersusun hanya dari atom karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. Bentuk molekul karbohidrat paling sederhana terdiri dari satu molekul gula sederhana. Banyak karbohidrat yang merupakan polimer yang tersusun dari molekul gula yang terangkai menjadi rantai yang panjang serta bercabang-cabang. Karbohidrat juga berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan asam basa di dalam tubuh. Selain itu, karbohidrat juga menjadi komponen struktur penting pada makhluk hidup dalam bentuk serat (fiber), seperti selulosa, pektin, serta lignin.
Karbohidrat atau sakarida adalah segolongan besar senyawa organik yang tersusun hanya dari atom karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. Bentuk molekul karbohidrat paling sederhana terdiri dari satu molekul gula sederhana. Banyak karbohidrat yang merupakan polimer yang tersusun dari molekul gula yang terangkai menjadi rantai yang panjang serta bercabang-cabang. Karbohidrat juga berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan asam basa di dalam tubuh. Selain itu, karbohidrat juga menjadi komponen struktur penting pada makhluk hidup dalam bentuk serat (fiber), seperti selulosa, pektin, serta lignin.
Gula (Glukosa)
Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi utama bagi tubuh manusia, yang menyediakan 4 kalori (17 kilojoule) energi pangan per gram. Pemecahan karbohidrat (misalnya pati) menghasilkan mono- dan disakarida, terutama glukosa. Melalui glikolisis, glukosa segera terlibat dalam produksi ATP, pembawa energi sel.
Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi utama bagi tubuh manusia, yang menyediakan 4 kalori (17 kilojoule) energi pangan per gram. Pemecahan karbohidrat (misalnya pati) menghasilkan mono- dan disakarida, terutama glukosa. Melalui glikolisis, glukosa segera terlibat dalam produksi ATP, pembawa energi sel.
Molekul protein mengandung karbon, hidrogen, oksigen, nitrogen dan kadang kala sulfur serta fosfor. Protein berperan penting dalam struktur dan fungsi semua sel makhluk hidup dan virus.Protein terlibat dalam sistem kekebalan (imun) sebagai antibody.
Lemak adalah sumber tenaga kalori yang padat. Lemak sama dengan minyak. Orang menyebut lemak secara khusus bagi minyak nabati atau hewani yang berwujud padat pada suhu ruang. 1 gram lemak menghasilkan 9,3 kalori. lemak terdiri atas unsur-unsur karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen
Lemak adalah sumber tenaga kalori yang padat. Lemak sama dengan minyak. Orang menyebut lemak secara khusus bagi minyak nabati atau hewani yang berwujud padat pada suhu ruang. 1 gram lemak menghasilkan 9,3 kalori. lemak terdiri atas unsur-unsur karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen
a) materials that contain starch when drops of iodine reagent will change color to dark blue to black.
b) Materials containing glucose when drops benedict reagent will change color to green-orange.
c) Materials containing protein when poured biuret reagent will change color to purple.
d) Material that contains fat when poured in the paper will provide the former, such as oily and transparent.
b) Materials containing glucose when drops benedict reagent will change color to green-orange.
c) Materials containing protein when poured biuret reagent will change color to purple.
d) Material that contains fat when poured in the paper will provide the former, such as oily and transparent.
i) Bahan yang mengandung amilum bila ditetesi reagen yodium akan berubah warna menjadi biru tua sampai hitam.
ii) Bahan yang mengandung glukosa bila ditetesi reagen benedict akan berubah warna menjadi hijau-orange.
iii)Bahan yang mengandung protein bila ditetesi reagen biuret akan berubah warna menjadi ungu.
iv)Bahan yang mengandung lemak bila ditetesi pada kertas akan memberikan bekas seperti berminyak dan transparan.
Tools Alat
• test tube rack Rak tabung reaksi
• Test tube Tabung reaksi
• test tube clamp Penjepit tabung reaksi
• Glass chemistry Gelas kimia
• Paper type / opaque Kertas ketik / buram
• Light methylated Lampu spirtus
• Paper labels Kertas label
• test tube rack Rak tabung reaksi
• Test tube Tabung reaksi
• test tube clamp Penjepit tabung reaksi
• Glass chemistry Gelas kimia
• Paper type / opaque Kertas ketik / buram
• Light methylated Lampu spirtus
• Paper labels Kertas label
• Knives Pisau
Materials Bahan
• Wheat Flour Tepung gandum
• white sugar / white sugar Gula putih / gula pasir
• Egg white Putih telur
• Cooking oil Minyak goreng
• Tempe Tempe
• rice flour Tepung beras VI. HOW TO WORK
Activity 1. Starch test
(1) Prepare a test tube A mark, put half a teaspoon of wheat flour and add water as high as 3-5 cm, create a homogeneous suspension. The mixture then drops to ± 3 drops Ioduim or Lugol, then observe the color changes that occur.
(2) Prepare five foodstuffs, if the food is solid smash and grind, give a little water.
(3) Enter into a test tube that has been given a code B, C, D, E, and F as high as 3-5 cm, make the mixture until homogenous.
(4) used as drops of each test tube with a ± 3 drops of iodine or Lugol, observe the color changes that occur.
(5) Record the results.
(1) Prepare a test tube A mark, put half a teaspoon of wheat flour and add water as high as 3-5 cm, create a homogeneous suspension. The mixture then drops to ± 3 drops Ioduim or Lugol, then observe the color changes that occur.
(2) Prepare five foodstuffs, if the food is solid smash and grind, give a little water.
(3) Enter into a test tube that has been given a code B, C, D, E, and F as high as 3-5 cm, make the mixture until homogenous.
(4) used as drops of each test tube with a ± 3 drops of iodine or Lugol, observe the color changes that occur.
(5) Record the results.
Kegiatan 1. Uji Amilum
(1) Siapkan sebuah tabung reaksi berilah tanda A, masukkan setengah sendok teh tepung gandum dan tambahkan air setinggi 3-5 cm, buatlah suspensi yang homogen. Campuran kemudian ditetesi dengan ± 3 tetes yoduim atau lugol, kemudian amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.
(2) Siapkan 5 bahan makanan, jika makanan tersebut berbentuk padat hancurkan dan haluskan, beri sedikit air.
(3) Masukkan ke dalam tabung reaksi yang sudah diberi kode B, C, D, E, dan F setinggi 3-5 cm, buatlah campuran hingga bersifat homogen.
(4) Tetesi setiap tabung reaksi dengan ± 3 tetes yodium atau lugol, amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.
(5) Catat hasilnya.
Activity 2. Glucose Test
(1) Prepare a test tube Give A code, enter the 2-4 tablespoons white sugar / sand, give water as high as 5 cm, make the mixture until homogeneous. Used as drops to the mixture of ± 3 drops of Benedict's solution or Fehling solution Fehling A and B. then heat with the way the pass over an open fire. Observe what happens. When the green to orange is characteristic of sugar / glucose.
(2) Prepare five test tubes, coded B, C, D, E, and F. enter the 5 types of food that had been given water to each test tube.
(3) used as drops of each test tube with a ± 3 drops of Benedict's solution or Fehling solution Fehling A and B. create a homogenous mixture.
(4) Heat in a way in the miss in the flame, observe changes that occur.
(5) Record the results.
(1) Prepare a test tube Give A code, enter the 2-4 tablespoons white sugar / sand, give water as high as 5 cm, make the mixture until homogeneous. Used as drops to the mixture of ± 3 drops of Benedict's solution or Fehling solution Fehling A and B. then heat with the way the pass over an open fire. Observe what happens. When the green to orange is characteristic of sugar / glucose.
(2) Prepare five test tubes, coded B, C, D, E, and F. enter the 5 types of food that had been given water to each test tube.
(3) used as drops of each test tube with a ± 3 drops of Benedict's solution or Fehling solution Fehling A and B. create a homogenous mixture.
(4) Heat in a way in the miss in the flame, observe changes that occur.
(5) Record the results.
Kegiatan 2. Uji Glukosa
(1) Siapkan sebuah tabung reaksi berilah kode A, masukkan 2-4 sendok the gula putih / pasir, berilah air setinggi 5 cm, buatlah campuran hingga homogen. Tetesi pada campuran tersebut ± 3 tetes larutan Benedict atau larutan Fehling A dan Fehling B. kemudian panaskan dengan cara di lewatkan di atas nyala api. Amati apa yang terjadi. Bila berwarna hijau sampai orange merupakan ciri khas gula / glukosa.
(2) Siapkan 5 tabung reaksi, diberi kode B, C, D, E, dan F. masukkan 5 macam bahan makanan yang sudah diberi air ke setiap tabung reaksi.
(3) Tetesi setiap tabung reaksi dengan ± 3 tetes larutan Benedict atau larutan Fehling A dan Fehling B. buatlah campuran bersifat homogen.
(4) Panaskan dengan cara di lewatkan di atas nyala api, amati perubahan yang terjadi.
(5) Catat hasilnya.
Activity 3. Protein Test
(1) Prepare a test tube, give tube A, fill the egg white 2-5 cm tall, drops with ± 3 drops of Biuret reagent, when purple means containing proteins. Or used as drops of ± 3 drops of reagent, Millon, if a white clot then preheat the tube directly (put in boiling water in a beaker) observe color changes that occur. If red means containing proteins.
(2) Prepare 5 pieces of test tube, give the code B, C, D, E and F. enter the 5 types of food that had been given water to each test tube.
(3) used as drops of each test tube ± 3 drops of Biuret reagent or reagents Millon mixing create homogenous.
(4) If using Millon reagent, heat indirectly, observe the color changes that occur.
(5) Fill in the following table results.
(1) Prepare a test tube, give tube A, fill the egg white 2-5 cm tall, drops with ± 3 drops of Biuret reagent, when purple means containing proteins. Or used as drops of ± 3 drops of reagent, Millon, if a white clot then preheat the tube directly (put in boiling water in a beaker) observe color changes that occur. If red means containing proteins.
(2) Prepare 5 pieces of test tube, give the code B, C, D, E and F. enter the 5 types of food that had been given water to each test tube.
(3) used as drops of each test tube ± 3 drops of Biuret reagent or reagents Millon mixing create homogenous.
(4) If using Millon reagent, heat indirectly, observe the color changes that occur.
(5) Fill in the following table results.
Kegiatan 3. Uji Protein
(1) Siapkan sebuah tabung reaksi, berilah tabda A, isilah putih telur setinggi 2-5 cm, tetesilah dengan ±3 tetes reagen Biuret, bila berwarna ungu berarti mengandung protein. Atau tetesi dengan ±3 tetes reagen Millon, jika menggumpal berwarna putih kemudian panaskan secara tidah langsung (masukkan dalam air mendidih pada gelas kimia) amati perubahan warna yang terjadi. Jika berwarna merah berarti mengandung protein.
(2) Siapkan 5 buah tabung reaksi, berilah kode B, C, D, E dan F. masukkan 5 macam bahan makanan yang sudah diberi air ke setiap tabung reaksi.
(3) Tetesi setiap tabung reaksi ±3 tetes reagen Biuret atau reagen Millon buatlah camouran bersifat homogen.
(4) Jika menggunakan reagen Millon, panaskan secara tidak langsung, amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.
(5) Isikan ke dalam tabel berikut hasilnya.
Activity 4. Fat Test
(1) Put cooking oil on paper, wait a few minutes, then observe the changes that occur, this result is characteristic of fat.
(2) Test the food that is available to the newsprint drops after being mixed with water or without water, observe the changes that occur.
(1) Put cooking oil on paper, wait a few minutes, then observe the changes that occur, this result is characteristic of fat.
(2) Test the food that is available to the newsprint drops after being mixed with water or without water, observe the changes that occur.
(1) Teteskan minyak goreng pada jkertas koran, tunggu beberapa menit, kemudian amati perubahan yang terjadi, hasil tersebut merupakan ciri lemak.
(2) Ujilah bahan makanan yang tersedia dengan diteteskan pada kertas koran setelah dicampur dengan sedikit air atau tanpa air, amati perubahan yang terjadi.
VII. Experimental Results
VII. Hasil Percobaan
Starch test
Tube | Food Material | First Colors | color change | |
that the color occurring | This means | |||
A | Wheat | White clear | Black | containing starch |
B | Sugar | clear | Brown | No contains |
C | Oil | clear | Orange | No contains |
D | Eggs | clear | Orange | No contains |
E | rice flour | White | Black | containing starch |
F | Tempe | White dirty | Brown to yellow | No contains |
Uji Amilum
Tabung | Bahan Makanan | Warna mula-mula | Perubahan warna | |
Warna yang terjadi | Artinya | |||
A | Gandum | Putih | Hitam | Mengandung amilum |
B | Gula | Bening | Coklat | Tak mengandung |
C | Minyak | Bening | Orange | Tak mengandung |
D | Telur | Bening | Orange | Tak mengandung |
E | T. beras | Putih | Hitam | Mengandung amilum |
F | Tempe | Putih keruh | Coklat kekuningan | Tak mengandung |
Glucose Test
Tube | Food Material | First Colors | color change | |
that the color occurring | This means | |||
A | Wheat | Thick White | Brown | containing glucose |
B | Sugar | White clear | Orange | containing glucose |
C | Oil | clear | Yellow | containing glucose |
D | Eggs | clear | Yellow to brown | Containing little glucose |
E | rice flour | Thick White | Thick White | No containing |
F | Tempe | White dirty | Green | containing glucose |
Uji Glukosa
Tabung | Bahan Makanan | Warna mula-mula | Perubahan warna | |
Warna yang terjadi | Artinya | |||
A | Gandum | Putih kental | Coklat | Glukosa |
B | Gula | Putih bening | Orange | Glukosa |
C | Minyak | Bening | Kuning | Glukosa |
D | Telur | bening | Kuning kecoklatan | Sedikit glukosa |
E | T. beras | Putih kental | Putih kental | - |
F | Tempe | Putih keruh | Hijau | Glukosa |
Protein Test
Tube | Food Material | First Colors | color change | |
that the color occurring | This means | |||
A | Wheat | White | purple | containing Protein |
B | Sugar | clear | Green | No containing |
C | Oil | clear | Green | No containing |
D | Eggs | clear | purple | Containing Protein |
E | rice flour | White | purple | Containing Protein |
F | Tempe | White dirty | Green | No containing |
Uji Protein
Tabung | Bahan Makanan | Warna mula-mula | Perubahan warna | |
Warna yang terjadi | Artinya | |||
A | Gandum | Putih | Ungu | Protein |
B | Gula | Bening | Hijau | - |
C | Minyak | Bening | Hijau | - |
D | Telur | Bening | Ungu | Protein |
E | T. beras | Putih | Ungu | Protein |
F | Tempe | Putih keruh | Hijau | - |
Fat Test
Food Material | First Colors in paper | After some day | It is means |
Wheat | Concentrated imprint | imprint | - |
Sugar | transparent | transparent | Containing fat |
Oil | transparent | transparent | Containing fat |
Eggs | transparent | transparent | Containing fat |
rice flour | Concentrated imprint | imprint | - |
Tempe | Concentrated imprint | imprint | - |
Uji Lemak
Bahan Makanan | Warna mula-mula pada kertas | Setelah beberapa hari | Artinya |
Gandum | Pekat membekas | membekas | - |
ula | transparan | transparan | Mengandung lemak |
Minyak | transparan | transparan | Mengandung lemak |
Telur | transparan | transparan | Mengandung lemak |
T. beras | Pekat membekas | membekas | - |
empe | Pekat membekas | membekas | - |
VIII. conclusion
1. hypothesis is true
2. Wheat flour containing starch, glucose and protein.
3. sugar containing glucose, fat.
4. Cooking oil containing glucose, fat.
5. Egg whites contain little glucose, protein, fat.
6. Rice flour contains starch, protein.
7. Tempe containing glucose.
1. hypothesis is true
2. Wheat flour containing starch, glucose and protein.
3. sugar containing glucose, fat.
4. Cooking oil containing glucose, fat.
5. Egg whites contain little glucose, protein, fat.
6. Rice flour contains starch, protein.
7. Tempe containing glucose.
VIII. kesimpulan
1. hipotesis benar
2. Tepung gandum mengandung amilum , glukosa dan protein .
3. gula pasir mengandung glukosa, lemak.
4. Minyak goreng mengandung glukosa, lemak.
5. Putih telur mengandung sedikit glukosa, protein, lemak.
6. Tepung beras mengandung amilum, protein.
7. Tempe mengandung glukosa.
IX. attachment
IX. Lampiran
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