contoh text analytical exposition (speech) hybrid car

November 30, 2011

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

With all due respect to the honorable mention all of my teacher and friend
Good morning.first of all let us thank to God Almighty Blessings Because of this We can all gather here on this sunny and prayer morning.shalawat We call say to greates prophet Muhammad, his family, his friend, and his followers.amien

On this day, I will express a conversation with a theme agreed on a hybrid car.
Technological advances often create tools that support the development of tools and ease in working on a technology of working. Similarly, car. hibrid made hybrid car is one kind of car that does not use a fuel that can not be updated and be environmentally friendly. 
Some of the reasons that make the hybrid car is received by the public, among others

First, the hybrid car to reduce global warming because it does not produce smoke that can cause ozone layer is a protective layer of the earth from the direct radiation of sunlight, a tipis.oleh therefore, a hybrid car to reduce global warming.

Second, the hybrid car can save on fuel costs, because the hybrid car does not use fuel sold in the market but without any material which is used .fuels from environmentally friendly materials such as solar cells, biodiesel, wind energy. So, economy countries is increasing because of fuel which was formerly used to move the car, now transferred to imported to other countries. So increase income per capita. 
In addition, the hybrid car can create a clean environment because there are no car emissions that pollute the environment Dangerous and polluting it emits a gas that can be utilized by the human life because the gas is rich in healthy o2.

From the elaboration above, it can be conclude That hybrid car is Necessary Because it can be reduct of global warming, increase of the monetary, and clean this environment.
That's all my speech.thank for your attention.


source : trihandoyo
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1 comment

  1. car. hibrid made hybrid car is one kind of car that does not use a fuel that can not be updated and be environmentally friendly. electric car
