Judul : Tekanan darah
II. Purpose : Measured blood pressure with sfigmomanometer
Tujuan : Mengukur tekanan darah dengan sfigmomanometer
III. Problem Formulation : Whether blood pressure of every human is different?
Rumusan Masalah : Apakah tekanan darah setiap orang berbeda?
IV. Hypothesis : Human blood pressure were different from each other
Hipotesis : Tekanan darah manusia berbeda beda
V. Base Theory :
Sphygmomanometer is a blood pressure measuring devices. The name comes from the Greek word sphygmós (pulse), plus the word manometer (pressure gauge). This instrument was first created by Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch in 1881, and developed further by Scipione Riva-Rocci (1896), and Harvey Cushing (1901). With this tool we can know the pressure of systole and diastole. Systole is the contraction phase of the heartbeat time. Diastole is the phase of the heart rate during relaxation.
Landasan teori :
Sfigmomanometer adalah alat ukur tekanan darah. Nama ini berasal dari kata Yunani sphygmós (pulsa), plus kata manometer (pengukur tekanan). Alat ukur ini dibuat pertama kali oleh Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch pada tahun 1881, dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh Scipione Riva-Rocci (1896), dan Harvey Cushing (1901). Dengan alat ini kita bisa mengetahui tekanan sistole dan diastole. Sistole adalah fase denyut jantung saat kontraksi. Diastole adalah fase denyut jantung saat relaksasi.
![]() |
stetoscop |
VI. Tools and Materials
Manual Sfigmomanometer
Digital sfigmomanometer
VII. Work Procedure :
1. Put cuffs on the upper arm, with the lower limit cuff 2-3 cm from the elbow fold and note the position of cufflinks that will put pressure on the pipe just above the arterial pulsation in the folding elbow (brachial artery)
2. Place the stethoscope just above the brachial artery
3. Touch the arterial pulsation in the wrist (radial artery)
4. Cuff pump until the cuff pressure reached 30 mmHg after radial artery pulsations disappear.
5. Open the valve cuff and pressure cuffs to let decreased slowly with the speed of 2-3 mmHg / sec
6. When the first sound heard, remember and record the systolic pressure.
7. The last sound is heard is recorded as the diastolic pressure
8. Lower cuff pressure to 0 mmHg, and remove the cuff
2. Place the stethoscope just above the brachial artery
3. Touch the arterial pulsation in the wrist (radial artery)
4. Cuff pump until the cuff pressure reached 30 mmHg after radial artery pulsations disappear.
5. Open the valve cuff and pressure cuffs to let decreased slowly with the speed of 2-3 mmHg / sec
6. When the first sound heard, remember and record the systolic pressure.
7. The last sound is heard is recorded as the diastolic pressure
8. Lower cuff pressure to 0 mmHg, and remove the cuff
1. Pasanglah manset pada lengan atas , dengan batas bawah manset 2 - 3 cm dari lipat siku dan perhatikan posisi pipa manset yang akan menekan tepat di atas denyutan arteri di lipat siku ( arteri brakialis)
2. Letakkan stetoskop tepat di atas arteri brakialis
3. Rabalah pulsasi arteri pada pergelangan tangan (arteri radialis)
4. Pompalah manset hingga tekanan manset mencapai 30 mmHg setelah pulsasi arteri radialis menghilang.
5. Bukalah katup manset dan tekanan manset dibirkan menurun perlahan dengan kecepatan 2-3 mmHg/detik
6. Bila bunyi pertama terdengar , ingatlah dan catatlah sebagai tekanan sistolik.
7. Bunyi terakhir yang masih terdengar dicatat sebagai tekanan diastolik
8. Turunkan tekanan manset sampai 0 mmHg, kemudian lepaskan manset
Put cuffs on the upper arm
click the button
tool will work alone
pasangkan menset di lengan.
tekan tombol mulai,
alat akan bekerja sendiri
VIII. Observe data
Numb | Name | Systole | Diastole | Blood Pressure |
098787 | 121 | 74 | 121/74 | |
098798 | 103 | 66 | 103/66 | |
098799 | 160 | 66 | 150/66 | |
098800 | 173 | 89 | 143/89 | |
908706 | 110 | 76 | 110/76 | |
908106 | 117 | 82 | 117/82 |
IX. Data Analysis :
1. Blood pressure 98787 including normal human blood pressure. Therefore, she’s blood pressure was not far from the normal limits, both systole and diastole. A normal systole and diastole 120 / 80
2. Blood pressure 098798 relatively low blood pressure because the pressure diastolik not reach normal limits. Which is generally normal diastolic pressure is 80.
3. Blood pressure 098799 relatively high blood pressure because the pressure systolic to exceed normal limits. Which is generally normal systolic pressure is 120.
4. Blood pressure 098800 relatively high blood pressure too , because the pressure systolic to exceed normal limits. Which is generally normal systolic pressure is 120.
5. Blood pressure 908706 including normal human blood pressure. Therefore, she’s blood pressure was not far from the normal limits, both systole and diastole. A normal systole and diastole 120 / 80
6. Blood pressure 908106 including normal human blood pressure too. Therefore, she’s blood pressure was not far from the normal limits, both systole and diastole. A normal systole and diastole 120 / 80
1. Tekanan darah 98787 tergolong normal karena tidak terlalu jauh dengan batas normal, sistole dan diastole normal adalah 120 / 80.
2. Tekanan darah 098798 tergolong agak rendah karena diastolnya tidak mencapai batas normal. Pada umumnya tekanan diastol normal adalah 80.
3. Tekanan darah 098799 tergolong tinggi karena sistolnya melebihi batas normal . pada umumnya tekanan sistole normal adalah 120.
4. Tekanan darah 098800 tergolong tinggi karena sistolnya melebihi batas normal . pada umumnya tekanan sistole normal adalah 120.
5. Tekanan darah 908706 tergolong normal karena tidak terlalu jauh dengan batas normal, sistole dan diastole normal adalah 120 / 80.
6. Tekanan darah 98787 tergolong normal karena tidak terlalu jauh dengan batas normal, sistole dan diastole normal adalah 120 / 80.
X. Conclusion : The hypothesis is true. Blood pressure every person is different, even though there is the same. blood pressure consider of emotional, healthy, sick from, and etc.
Kesimpulan : Hipotesis benar. Tekanan darah manusia berbeda-beda meskipun terkadang ada yang sama. tekanan darah manusa tergantung kepada beberapa faktor yaitu emosi, kesehatan, penyakit bawaan dan lain-lain.
XI. Bibliography :
1. Riandari, henny.2009. Theory and Application of Biology. Solo : Tiga serangkai pustaka mandiri.
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