contoh text analytical exposition (speech) City Park

November 27, 2011

Dear ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let's pray to the god for the chance and the happiness given to us. On this occasion I would like to talk about City Park.

City park is a park who there are in city, many facilities in there, city people can use it to sport, to refresh our mind, to get inspiration, and some city park have facilities hot spot to support lifestyle modern citizen.

City park have necessary function to the city life. City park have many trees and many colorful flower it is good for decrease pollution in the city. We can get fresh air in there and it it so difficult to fined it in the modern city.

Like a girl, city park also can make the dity more beautiful. City park like a make up for the city and it is can be attract tourist to come to the city. It is good for city economic. Many tourist also make the city more popular than other city.

We can better utilize the park as a place for social activities of urban society, urban society can greet each other so it does not become human individualists.

So we can conclude that city park must be there in the city, cause it is have many many good effect to the city and citizen.

I think enough, thanks for your attention, sorry for there are mistake words.

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